From tourist to explorer in just one click
Walk. Listen. Explore.
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The world's best travel destinations
are all just a click away.
Your adventure begins the minute you start planning — and you can plan anytime, just by taking out your phone. Choose from over 1200 global destinations, receive personalized recommendations and bookmark everything you’d love to see and do.
Choose from over 400 destinations
Explore at your own pace and safely with a personal guide in your phone.
There’s no need for a crowded tour group. Get a private guide in your pocket filled with current, high-quality, and locally sourced content that’s as good as a friend’s recommendation for taking you off the beaten paths.
It’s hands-free and immersive.
Shh, just listen.
What’s that majestic structure in front of you? Plug in your headphones and find out. SmartGuide sends expertly crafted, engaging audio-stories straight to your ears, so you can stay fully immersed in the world around you, wherever you go.
Real, authentic experiences.
What else is there?
Get to know the sights and sounds of a city, beyond that one main town square. Try climbing the local mountains or skydive over them instead. Just open up the app for access to countless experiences and adventures.